Fresh from the greenhouse

Starting Vegetables from Seed

Conquer the top challenges facing Northern New Mexico vegetable gardeners with our tips on getting the most out of your growing season by starting your veggies from seed.

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Gardening with Heather

Can I put it outside yet?

Apr 26

Heather shares her cold-weather tricks to help things along in a short growing season, plus the latest goings-on in her own high-elevation garden.

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crocus emerging from straw
From the Arborist

Codling moth

Apr 26

If you have apple trees, you've got to do battle with their most persistent enemies, codling moths and their larvae, a.k.a. "apple worms."

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crabapple blossoms
Organic Gardening

Natural Insect Control

Feb 29

Bugs happen. Here's our advice for keeping them under control by cultivating a healthy ecosystem in and around your gardens.

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ladybug on a leaf

How to Prune Your Roses

Apr 26

Spring is the time to give your roses a good pruning, for their health and for lots of blooms. The procedure for pruning roses can vary depending on rose type.

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I like to fertilize my trees once a year in the springtime, using a humate-based, slow-release fertilizer. It's best to put down fertilizer when the ground is damp, but not soggy. It does no good to try to fertilize when the ground is frozen, so if your ground hasn't thawed yet, you still have time before you need to think about fertilizing.

Use a fertilizer with low N-P-K levels, such as 5-3-1. When you're fertilizing your trees, do not let the product touch the trunk. You only need to put it down along the dripline, which is the circumference of the tree’s canopy, where the roots reach to take up moisture and nutrients. Top dress the fertilizer with mulch or compost and let the fertilizer seep in.

Also, don't forget your trees need consistent watering this time of year. Here in Taos, I'm watering my trees once a week these days. If you're in a hot stretch where you live, I recommend you do the same.

If you grow your food using only materials coming from nature, with no synthetic or chemically modified ingredients in your gardening products, you can consider yourself an organic gardener. Simple products like peat, perlite, guano, worm castings, and other single or mixed ingredients coming straight from nature can be considered organic in the context of gardening.

If you want the USDA to consider your produce eligible for sale with organic labeling, you need to know more about those natural materials, for example, whether the manure or guano you’re using came from animals that were fed an organic diet. In this case, you want to look for special labeling. Products with the “OMRI-listed” label have been certified through the Organic Materials Review Institute, which means they went through rigorous testing to determine they contain no man-made chemicals and are suitable for organic production.

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